Students Services:
1. Individual &
group guidance in the following areas:
Planning for a
successful career.
Choosing the
academic major.
Acquiring &
improving skills required in labor market.
Searching &
applying for jobs.
2. Checking CVs &
employment correspondences.
3. Guidance session
on job interviews.
brochures, booklets, forms, and samples in different areas related to career
Employers Services:
Sharing ideas & expertise to raise career awareness for SQU students &
graduates, & enhance their employability.
2. Promoting job vacancies for SQU graduates & students.
Providing graduates data for different job vacancies’ requests.
4. Offering all logistics facilities to conduct recruitment campaigns in SQU
5. Introducing available academic programs in SQU.
Inviting to participate in the Annual Career & Training Opportunities Fair.
Alumni Services:
Providing proper
career guidance to enhance graduates’ employability
Issuing training
letters for unemployed graduates, to enhance their practical experience.
graduates for vacancies requests by employers.
Inviting alumni
to attend different events at SQU.
5. Affording Mazaya
Cards for discount in various shops.
newsletter about SQU events and news.
distinguished services to alumni through Alumni Portal.
Programs & Events:
Career Awareness
Program (CAP):
Aims to qualify SQU students for market requirements through conducting workshops,
delivered by specialists in the center, professionals from SQU, and employers,
to share their valuable experience. CAP focuses on main topics as following:
Career Guidance, Career Awareness, Skills Development, Entrepreneurship, and
Alumni Experience.
CV Clinic:
In this event, the center hosts specialists in HR field to check SQU CVs, and
give them feedback & tips on best strategies to market their skills.
Annual Career &
Training Opportunities Fair:
SQU Career & Training Opportunities Fair aims to provide jobs and training
opportunities for SQU students and graduates through Strengthen the relationship
between the university and different employment sectors and Introduce SQU
various academic programs to the participating organizations. On the other hand,
provide an opportunity for participating organizations to recognize the academic
level, skills, and abilities of SQU students and graduates.
Annual Majors Fair:
An annual event organized by CCG in cooperation with SQU’s colleges, gathering
all the available academic majors. The fair aims to increase students' awareness
of the skills and jobs associated to different majors, and help them in planning
for a successful career path, that start by choosing the right major.
Alumni Day
This event is organized by the center for SQU Alumni in different cohorts, and
colleges, based on SQU concern to find interactive channel with them, and to
strengthen the sense of belonging to SQU.